Grassland Conservation

Recently I had to write a speech for my agriculture leadership class, which I wrote about grassland conservation. So I am going to share a little bit of that information with you. Each year over a million acres of cropland expand into grasslands and other natural areas according to Tyler Lark with the University of Wisconsin: Madison’s Center of Sustainability and the Global Environment website copyright 2022. In order to preserve our beautiful grasslands, there are several techniques that we can use and implement into our farming techniques. Rotational grazing and no-tilling are two great modern strategies. Rotational grazing allows for the recuperation of plants and organisms throughout your pastures if your livestock are focused on one portion at a time. With proper fencing, this technique is time-efficient. The earth loses approximately 23 billion tons of soil each year according to copyright 2021. No-tilling allows for the soil to stay intact and protect the soil by leaving crop residue on top. It also reduces soil erosion and increases absorption of water which leads to more efficient irrigation. Leaving the soil undisturbed benefits the microorganisms within it and allows them to grow and strengthen, which then, in turn, will improve the soil matter. Improving and maintaining the cropland we already use will prevent the need for expansion into our current grasslands.

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